24 Girl Alex Michelle O'DGuillaume BergerKimberly GJamieson ClareAaron GregoireJennifer WMelodieZachary cundellMaxime castellonAndrew Riff . CynthiaDiane PowerCorina ClouthierCasey DKim PPriyaWattsWhitneyCrystal S1. Bruce2. Cameron3. Sarah Z4. Pete5. Diana Vesta6. Kelly A7. Eric Anderson8. Alexander11. Marty Pomerleau16. Rich La Rose19. Jessica Bern20. Kelly H22. Sarah Rose22. Mariah Fisher24. Girl Alex28. Heather30. Mike Layes33. Mike Lieff33. Makaila Jay39. Blake A44. Dupe58. Dyllan Fernie69. Captain (Eric Delisle)80. Sex84. Tiana86. Jeff Stanton88. Frank Dinardo91. Dylan Cundell92. Isabelle P777. Michelle P #24NameGirl AlexPast TeamsFall Ball Thursday, Fall Ball Womens, ONSPL Thursday, Practices, Softball RecSeasons2019, 2022 How did you become a Bud Got a few people that was playing in SBW. Krystle was looking for a girl to play ball on Sundays! When and why did you start to play sportsSince I was born! Favorite movieTaken HobbiesSports Sunflower seed flavorPickles Favorite drinkBeer or cider Celebrity crushJason Momoa March 15, 2019 cote.alexandra@hotmail.com register today Recent Posts Friday Mid-Season Tournament Womens Tournament for Lockett Renfrew Coed 3-pitch tourney Final Tourney Cottage Tournament Recent CommentsEric Dupuis on Friday Mid-Season TournamentHeather on Friday Mid-Season Tournamentjacob-lewrey on Men’s Fall ball Playoffs Night – Bell EastJessica Jaremy on Women’s Fall Ball PlayoffsRoman Iljevec on Men’s Fall ball Game 6, 7 v Thunder Buddies (H), Aim For The Bushes (H)
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