- #
- 69
- Name
- Captain (Eric Delisle)
- Position
- Pitcher
- Current Team
- Ball Hockey, Fall Ball Mens, Fall Ball Thursday, Fall Ball Tuesday, Friday 3 Pitch, ONSPL Thursday, Practices, Softball Beer Eh, Softball Comp, Softball Men’s, Team Meetings, Volleyball
- Past Teams
- Exhibition
- Seasons
- 2021, 2022, 2023, 2023 Fall, 2024
- How did you become a Bud
- Eric, with the help of Krystle, started Suds, Buds & Windmills. Together they manage and captain the teams. Eric met Krystle (and from there everyone else, minus TBIL & Laurie) playing for their work softball league. (Eric first started playing BHockey with an OSSC team the Bear Traps, where he met Laurie.)
If you wanna spot Eric, he's always in a ball cap and can be heard complaining that "it's too cold and his arm hurts". You may also spot him on the patio sad because the slushie machine is broken & beer makes his tummy hurt. (:P) Eric smells awesome all the time, god damn that Old Spice. He loves Scotch and everything ball, if you can look past his boarderline sexiest views .. kids' alright.
- Favorite movie
- I have a new favourite every year. currently Thor's Ragnarok
- Favorite show
- Babylon 5
- Hobbies
- Softball.......
- Go-to snack
- Pogo's aka tasty treats
- Sunflower seed flavor
- WHY?
- Favorite drink
- Mountain Dew
- Celebrity crush
- Evangeline Lilly
Top FAVE moments!
“If it touched your glove you shoulda had it”
” You can either dance or play sports, very few can do both and even less can do neither. I don’t dance…”
Nickname(s): Delisle, Captain,
Signature Trait(s): Bad at photo ops…like really really bad, Sens baseball cap, surfer sexy wings, , smells like Old Spice, thinks he’s 80. Always in a backwards flex fit #SBandW for Ballhockey, always complaining he’s old, wears protective glasses occasionally.
- Grand Slam in the Sketch tourney making him our DH, and the DH with most RBI’s.
- Eric’s very first out of park HR with SBW’s was a walk off grand slam in the RA 2013 (Tuesday) D championship game.
- Eric wears the number 69 because Krystle watched Goon like 10 times. When it came time for numbers the same scene happened, but in life. You’re welcome Eric.
- In 2012 SBW only played one night a week so Eric decided to be a Bat Boy for a division 2 (they moved up to 1 after) men’s competative team. Drew & Krystle went out to cheer for Eric during his fall finals. As they sat in the stands they watched the opposing teams outfielders show zero respect. To be fair, Eric wasn’t exacly having a stellar game So Pitcher yells at RF to come in closer, and he does, anyways if you read this far I am pretty sure you know how the story ends. Eric cranked one CF/RF obviously…way over their heads. Eric’s a fast little mother fucker and has some bad ass heads up base running. So.. that was 3 RBI’s and an infield HR. The men’s team ended up continuing and winning the play-offs
Most likely position: Pitcher
Strengths: Jack of All Trades, Place Hitter, Keeping Krystle out of trouble
Other SBW teams: Ball Hockey, Volleyball, coaches Futsal
- Out of park HR (2015)
- In Field HR (2015)
- Perfect Attendance-Both Nights (2015)
- Most likely to show up fashionably late (2015)
- Helping Hand Award (2015)
- In field HR (2014)
- Bad Ass Base Runner, had 12% of our runs on Friday (2014)
- Turned a double play (2014)
- Most outs but only by his own silly count (2014)
- Honourable mentioned for Most likely to be our only run in multiple games (2014)
- Perfect Attendance both nights (2014)
- Honourable Mention for most likely to kills someone with a frisbee (2014)
- The Lisa Marr Award (complains about the weather) (2014)
- In Field HR award (2013)
- Bad Ass Base Running (2013)
- Tied Kryslte (our captains! wooo) for Player with the most tripples (2013)
- Turned a double play (2013)
- Perfect Attendance (2013)
- Teen Wolf Club (2013)
- Nominated for the Golden Glove (2013)
- Tied for the Golden Cleat (2013)
- Nominated for MVP (2013)
- Messiest eater (2012)
- Person(s) we wouldn’t say no to (unless there’s food involved) (2012)
- Infield Homerun (2012)
- Person who gave Yannick a run for his money (2012)
- Best line ever yelled by a base coach for: “CRAWL!” (2012)
- Best team spirit and sexiest in a skirt -2012
- Grand Slam in the Sketch tourney making him our DH, and the DH with most RBI’s.
- Eric’s very first out of park HR with SBW’s was a walk off grand fucking slam in the RA 2013 (Tuesday) championship game.
- Eric wears the number 69 because Krystle watched Goon like 10 times. When it came time for numbers the same scene happened, but in life. You’re welcome Eric.
- In 2012 SBW only played one night a week so Eric decided to be a Bat Boy for a division 2 (they moved up to 1 after) men’s competative team. Drew & Krystle went out to cheer for Eric during his fall finals. As they sat in the stands they watched the opposing teams outfielders show zero respect. To be fair, Eric wasn’t exacly having a stellar game So Pitcher yells at RF to come in closer, and he does, anyways if you read this far I am pretty sure you know how the story ends. Eric cranked one CF/RF obviously…way over their heads. Eric’s a fast little mother fucker and has some bad ass heads up base running. So.. that was 3 RBI’s and an infield HR. The men’s team ended up continuing and winning the play-offs.
Ball Hockey Career
Most likely position: Defensmen
Strengths: Fast, Great offensive defensmen, Awesome Grinder (can I say it like that? lol.. great on Grind line), faster then anyone but Terek, killer point shot
- During the RA 2013 season Eric earned the nickname Karlesson. The jury is still out on if it was because he was a great defensmen or if Mark Fish was just lazy and went with what his jersey said….
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