Not gonna lie this post game started with the post game writer singing old school hip hop songs as odes for Big Money Team and humming the Star Wars theme song for The Evil Empire.
Distraction continued as confusion arose around the 4 ball walk rule with interpretation making the official rule as confusing as a break up by text message.
Thd Evil Empire came out strong with their own personal fan club and #4 using all kinds of official hand gestures and looking like she knows what she’s doing. The team continued strong with a special shout out to FTG and his Beetlejuice pants and powerhouse #6.
Big Money Team took to bat with blue shirt no number sprinting like the wind and #12 hitting a beauty right to the fence.
As conversation on the bleachers changed from cheering on the teams to sex with softball players and their gentle hip sways it was brainstormed that next year’s tournament should include some dance breaks and lessons to warm up the limbs and limber up the hips.
The game continued with Big Money’s 2nd baseman missing the ball due to her dancing (a girl after my own heart) and the right outfielder making a huge catch by the fence. Evil Empire’s #23 put them in their place by nonchalantly delivering a beautiful homerun. Beetlejuice continued their success by sending another hit right inside the fence and getting to second. Another strong hit by #6 sealed the deal especially since the third baseman on Big Money appears to need another coffee this morning.
The game finished with The Evil Empire taking Big Money to the bank and continuing their quest for tournament domination.
– Kelly